The American Hitting Experience

The Most Fun, Exciting & Entertaining Baseball & Softball Event on Earth
Learning, Swinging & Competing our way to better hitting while having a great time!
This ‘Hitting Festival’ puts the fun in funtastic! The AHA has created an event that includes a hitting camp, product demos, competitions, contests, games and more! It’s designed to be a very fun and educational day swinging the bat!
Also included is a coaches clinic and a Q & A for parents. We believe this is the AHA’s Crown Jewel focused on getting young players learning, having a great time as a means to an end to grow baseball and softball participation.
What’s Included in the AHE?
Hitting Camp
Hitting Games
Hitting Contests
Product Demos
Home Run Derby
*Parents Q & A
*Coaching Clinic
AH Club Tee Shirt
* upon request
What They’ve Said
“It’s the most fun my kids have had at any baseball game, practice, camp, lesson or anything sport-wise! It’s a must do for any kid that plays baseball or softball regardless of their skill level!”
JOE HARTZEL, Parent & Club Coach, Scottsdale, AZ